Faculty of Technology
Artificial Intelligence Group
Felix Hülsmann Felix Huelsmann

Universität Bielefeld, Technische Fakultät
AG Wissensbasierte Systeme (KI)
Universitätsstr. 25
33615 Bielefeld

Room: M4-112
ICQ: 302 041 740
Email: fhuelsma (at) TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE


From Fall 2008 to 2011 I studied Cognitive Computer Science (BA) at Bielefeld University, scince 2011 I have been studying Intelligent Systems (MA). I have been working for the Artificial Intelligence Group since February 2010.
My favorite fields of reserach are
  • Virtual Reality
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Human-Computer-Interaction and
  • Machine Learning.
Besides, I am interested in Cognitive Science and a few other cool areas.

In private, I like playing the classical guitar. I also enjoy reading (especially fantasy and science fiction novels) and writing. When I have enough time, I do photography, especially nature, but also people and concert photography.
Another great part of my leisure time I spend voluntary working as a youth-councellor for children and teenagers and organizing leisure time activities.


  • M^3 - Movement makes Music (part of my BA thesis)


Winter term 2010
Tutor for Theoretical computer science

Winter term 2012
Tutor for Virtual Reality


Huelsmann, F., Dankert, T., Pfeiffer, T. (2011). Gaze-Based Interaction - Eyesteroids. Input Methods for Immersive Games. Proceedings of the Postersession at the Interdisciplinary College 2011
[ BibTeX ] [ PDF ]

Fischer, K., Huelsmann, F. Tran, K.-A. (2011). The Biosphere - An immersive virtual world. Proceedings of the Postersession at the Interdisciplinary College 2011
[ BibTeX ] [ PDF ]

Huelsmann, F., Dankert, T., Pfeiffer, T. (2011). Comparing Gaze-based and Manual Interaction in a Fast-paced Gaming Task in Virtual Reality. Virtuelle & Erweiterte Realität, 8. Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR, 1-12. Aachen: Shaker Verlag
[ BibTeX ] [ PDF ]