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Intelligent Systems Lab Project: AUDEYE - Audible Eyed




Application Scenario

In several sports and activities eye tracking has been used successfully to improve the user's skills. The user's gaze data is analysed and afterwards the user is given feedback on detected situations of error. In other applications like museum systems or systems for handicapped mobile assistive technology supports users in real-time. Our system aims to combine both approaches using eye tracking to create a real-time assistant in the domain of chess playing.

In an exemplary scenario the player is wearing an eye-tracking device (ETD) which is connected to our AUDEYE-system (see Figure 1). While the player is looking at the chessboard and thinking about the best chess move the ETD proviedes a scene image of the current chess board with an overlayed fixation point, i.e. which chess piece is currently fixated by the user. The AUDEYE system then automatically extracts a virtual representation of the current chess constellation in real-time using computer vision techniques. This representation of the current chess board configuration is then sent to an open source chess engine and adequate feedback is provided using speech synthesis e.g. a recommendation for the optimal move.

Figure 1: Main components of the AUDEYE-system

Project's initial state


The project goals are:


System description at project's initial state

The user is wearing the eye-tracking device while looking at the chessboard. (Fig. 1) A scene camera in the center of the ETD glasses records images of the player's view while two additional IR-cameras are used to calculate the user's fixation point.

When the AUDEYE-system receives the data from the ETD, it first detects the chessboard in the video of the scene camera. In order to do so, different filters are applied to detect hough lines to precisely locate the chessboard in the image and to create a rectified image of the board. Then edge detection and comparison of contours are used to determine the chess pieces.

The project also contains a chess engine and a speech engine in order to calculate the best move and to provide adequate user feedback.

Description of goals and progress

Our first goal was to improve the detection of the chessboard and the chess pieces using methods like optical flow and expectations based on previous detections. A further goal was to implement the detection of real 3D chess pieces which so far only worked for 2D-chips.

In order to verify our progress in the improvement we also created a Test Tool that uses recorded eye-tracking sessions to create statistics on the performance of the detection. This is done by running the detection part of the AUDEYE system on the video sequences and comparing the output to a manual annotation. The statistics created by the Test Tool contain information on detection rate, critical pieces etc and can then be used to compare several project states.

However after facing huge problems while familiarizing ourselves with the existing code and setup, the porting of the original code from Windows to Linux in order to make the project as platform independent as possible became also a major task.

Changes done by our team

The current AUDEYE system does not support live input from the ETD because the corresponding software is bound to Windows. Thus we extended an existing video player with the functionality to play eye-tracking videos and to send the data to the AUDEYE system via RSB for further processing.

The video player was also necessary for the Test Tool that we created first. The data output of the Test Tool provides several statistics on how well and how fast the detection works. Therefore, we selected videos for different chess situations and conditions. The Test Tool automatically applies the current version of the AUDEYE system to the selected videos to detect the chess situation. Then it compares the results of the system to manual annotations in order to evaluate the detection functionality of the AUDEYE system and create statistics on the performance. (see Fig. 2)

Figure 2: TestTool dependencies

When we started with our work on the AUDEYE project poker chips with paper printings of bad quality were used as chess pieces. We decided to replace them with 3D printed chips with less noise to improve the detection. Apparently the original algorithms were optimized for the old pieces, so that the detection rate decreased for the new 3D chips.

Figure 3: Old chip

Figure 4: New 3D printed chip

We replaced the chess and speech engine used by previous groups with the chess engine Stockfish and a speech engine based on the google API. Both engines have been modified by our group to work with RSB. These engines are platform independent.


The project has been transferred to Linux. It uses CMake for build processes and Jenkins for continuous integration. Also it should now be platform independent which has not been tested yet. The TestTool is ready to work. Because of the delays caused by code familiarization and transfer we were not yet able to improve the detection.

Compared to our original goals, we: So far we could not achieve:

The video shows a short presentation of the working chess detection.

Discussion and Conclusion


Lessons learned

During the term we discovered that it is important to reserve a lot of time for getting to know an existing project. We underestimated this issue and expected a better documentation. It is for this reason that some of our original goals could not be achieved. Also the project's state forced us to move it to Linux and restructure it due to old libraries and incompatibilities. In general we learned to be prepared for unexpected events.


Summer term

Our work in the second term was focused on the improvement of the chess situation detection as well as on restructuring the project and two user studies. A usability study was conducted to evaluate problems and benefits of the applied feedback methods. The other study was conducted using a different setup, aimed towards using gaze data to classify the skills of player into different categories as expert, good or novice player..



Preparing the usability study

Figure 5: Fallback GUI

The usability study

Fifteen volunteers (age M = 26.14, SD = 2.85 years, 3 females) participated in our study. The participants got individual appointments of about 40 minutes. First they had to fill out a questionnaire acquiring demographic and expertise information. (Fig. 6) Afterwards the eye-tracking device was calibrated on them and they were asked to do two chess puzzles (Fig. 7, 8) using the AUDEYE system for assistance.

The participants were assigned to one of two groups by how well the eye-tracking device could be calibrated on them. The group (sonification group, n = 7, 0 females) with a well-calibrated eye-tracking device was given feedback by Sonification (see Preparing the usability study). The second group (speech group, n = 8, 3 females) was given feedback using the speech engine (see Preparing the usability study). After this trial each participant had to fill out another questionnaire rating the system and to provide feedback about problems and opportunities of the system. (Fig. 9, 10)

Figure 6: Questionnaire before trial

Figure 7: One of the chess puzzles used in the trial

Figure 8: Another puzzle used in the trial

Figure 9: First part of the questionnaire after the trial

Figure 10: Last part of the questionnaire after the trial

The study was conducted during 5 sessions taking a total of about 18 hours including preparation, calibrations and some malfunctions. The evaluation of the usability part did not yield any relevant results. Therefore we got some interesting feedback on the last questions and in the discussion with the participants. (see Results)

For the study the Fallback GUI was used to manually replace the figure detection

Classifying Player's Expertise Level in Chess by Analysing Gaze Data


To analyse the gaze data of participants in a “Find the best move task” and use their fixation on different region of the chessboard to classify their competency in playing chess.


Studies have shown that the Experts can rapidly distinguish between the relevant / irrelevant chessboard regions to find a best move in a given chess situation faster than the novice.


Chess problems(designed with the help of a chess expert) which have relevant / irrelevant region to the game situation separated from each other were shown to the participants. Using an eye-tracking device their gaze data was recorded and the time taken by them to fixate on the relevant and irrelevant region while solving the problem was measured and compared with the performance of an expert while solving the same problem.

Figure 11: Sample Problem (The relevant regions are highlighted in green and irrelevant regions are highlighted in blue.)

Twelve volunteers (11 Male, 1 Female) participated in our study. The participants got individual appointments of about 45 minutes. Participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire giving demographic details and were asked to rate their chess skills. Afterwards the eye-tracking device was calibrated for them and they were asked to solve chess puzzles with task to find the best move for white. Data from 2 participants could not be used for analysis because the application crashed in the middle of experiment in one case and in another there was a problem with calibrating eye-tracking device because the participant wore glasses.

We used 12 experimental problems. The relevant and irrelevant regions in each problem were always separated. Each participant was presented with problems (on a screen for better calibration of the eye-tracking glasses) and was given 3 minutes per problem to choose the best possible move for white as quickly as possible. The participants told their response to the tester orally. An Expert's response had been recorded to be used as benchmark for comparing skill set of participants.

Figure 12: Study Setup



The video shows a short presentation of the current system version.

Usability study

Classification Study
