Universität Bielefeld - Technische Fakultät

DAGM Symposium Pattern Recognition 1995

Dieselbe Information in deutscher Sprache
The 17th DAGM Symposium (13.-15.9.95) has the focus theme Understanding acoustic and visual information. Themes are mathematical, psychological, and biological foundations of pattern recognition, as well as techniques and applications for the processing of speech, language, and images. Emphasized technology includes neural networks and special hardware and software tools. The Conference Language is German; papers can be published in English.

The single track program features normal contributions (20 min incl. discussion), invited presentations (40 min incl. discussion), and a poster exhibition. During the Conference VHS and S-VHS video tapes may be presented. Papers for evaluation (8 pages incl. figures) are to be submitted in 4 copies to the address given below. Several prizes will be awarded for outstanding work. During the DAGM Symposium the OLYMPUS Prize will also be awarded, for which there will be a separate announcement (available from the conference organizers).

Important dates

31.03.95	Submission of papers for the DAGM Symposium
31.05.95	Notification of acceptance
30.06.95	Submission of camera-ready manuscripts

Please direct submissions to:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Sagerer
Faculty of Technology
University of Bielefeld
- DAGM '95 -
P.O. Box 100131
D-33501  Bielefeld, Germany

Program Committee DAGM

				H. Niemann, Erlangen
R. Albrecht, Innsbruck		E. Paulus, Braunschweig
H. Bunke, Bern			S.J. Pöppl, Lübeck
H. Burkhardt, Hamburg		B. Radig, München
W. Förstner, Bonn		G. Sagerer, Bielefeld
S. Fuchs, Dresden		B. Schleifenbaum,Wetzlar
H. Giebel, München		K. Schneider, Konstanz
G. Hartmann, Paderborn		J. Schuermann, Ulm
K.-H. Höhne, Hamburg		V. Steinbiß, Aachen
E. Hundt, München		K. Voss, Jena
W. A. Kropatsch, Wien		I. Wachsmuth, Bielefeld
C.-E. Liedtke, Hannover		F. Wahl, Braunschweig

Ipke Wachsmuth, 1994-11-08