.. _dimension_reduction: Dimension Reduction ===================== The dimension reduction listens on specified scopes and reduces the information to down to a given dimension. Kernel t-SNE to reduce the dimension. Before the dimension reduction can be used it first has to be trained. The training must be done on a dataset (rsbagfile or livesystem) that has meaningfull entries. So don't train on a set where nothing happens. Related resources ----------------- Component repository: - Browse compenent repository `dimension-reduction `_. Clone repositories: - e.g. ``git clone https://projects.cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de/git/lsp-csra.dimenson-reduction.git`` System startup: - ``dimensionreduction`` System help: - ``dimensionreduction --help`` Related projects: - t-SNE demonstration http://distill.pub/2016/misread-tsne/ Interfaces ----------------- =========================================== ======================================== Scope (Informer) Type =========================================== ======================================== ``/dimensionreduction`` `Point2D `_ =========================================== ======================================== Examples -------------- Training the Dimension Reduction component on a given rsbag file: .. code-block:: bash :emphasize-lines: 4,6,7 dimension_reduction PARAMETERS dimenison_reduction -t dimenison_reduction -t -k dimenison_reduction -t -k kernel.ser dimenison_reduction -t -r dimenison_reduction -t -r recording.tide dimenison_reduction -t --gui Run Dimenison Reduction componont after training .. code-block:: bash :emphasize-lines: 4,6,7 dimension_reduction PARAMETERS dimenison_reduction dimenison_reduction -k dimenison_reduction -k kernel.ser dimenison_reduction -r dimenison_reduction -r recording.tide dimenison_reduction --gui