Udiff validate_flg.pl
--- /tmp/validate_flg-no-sccs/webrev/usr/src/tools/scripts/validate_flg.pl-     Mon May 22 20:55:33 2006
+++ validate_flg.pl     Mon May 22 20:51:02 2006
@@ -140,10 +140,13 @@
 die "$0: \$CODEMGR_WS must be set\n" if $ENV{CODEMGR_WS} eq "";
 chdir $ENV{CODEMGR_WS} or die "$0: chdir $ENV{CODEMGR_WS}: $!\n";
+# Only check for SCCS files if this is a Teamware workspace.
+$f_flg = ! -d "$ENV{CODEMGR_WS}/Codemgr_wsdata";
 File::Find::find({wanted => \&wanted, no_chdir => 1}, $basedir);
 # After passing through the tree, process all of the included files.
 # There aren't many of these, so don't bother trying to optimize the
 # traversal.  Just do them all.