Hi! I'm Thomas Terstiege né Kluth, a cognitive data scientist.


I’m a Ph.D. in Linguistics. You may want to download my Ph.D. thesis from here. You might also want to read our recent article in Cognition which can be seen as a summary of my Ph.D. project. (I’m more than happy to send you the published version, just drop me a line!)

I was working in the Language and Cognition Group (led by Prof. Dr. Pia Knoeferle) at the CITEC, Bielefed University. In my Ph.D. project, I explored the relationships of language understanding and visual attention in the case of projective spatial prepositions (such as above, below, to the right of). To this end, I refined the Attentional Vector Sum (AVS) model developed by Regier & Carlson (2001). I assessed the refined model(s) computationally and empirically. You can download the source code of my modeling work here.

When I have the opportunity to present my work at a conference, I like to rent a bike at that place.

My Publications

Happy Reading!

(If you see no publication list below, follow this link.)


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