SFB 360 - Situated Artificial Communicators

The Collaborative Research Centre "Situated Artificial Communicators" (SFB 360) was approved by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft on July 16th, 1993. It joins members of the Faculty of Technology and the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies.

The SFB is now in its fourth and final state of promotion (1993 - 1996, 1996 - 1999, 2000 - 2002, 2003 - 2005).

The SFB 360 ended on 31 December 2005.

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* The book "Situated Communication" (G. Rickheit und I. Wachsmuth (Eds.)) has been published at de Gruyter
* Special issue "Kognitionswissenschaft" (with papers from the SFB 360) published at Springer Verlag
Members of the SFB 360 (German)
Survey of the project areas and projects (German)
Description of the SFB 360

Selected Publications (German)
Monday Colloquium Series (German)

International Colloquium des SFB 360, 6. - 8.12.1995
Colloquium "Richtungen im Raum" (German), 20.11.1997
Colloquium "Architecture", 15. - 16.12.1997
Workshop "Aggregierung und Aggregate" (German), 9.10.1998
Bielefeld-Lund Workshop on Eyetracking, Gesture and Description, 13. - 14.12.1998
Workshop "Unterspezifikation" (German), 7. - 8.6.1999
Workshop "Integration of Speech and Image Understanding" (ICCV '99), 21.9.1999
KogWis99 - 4. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft (German), 28.9. - 1.10.1999
Workshop "Metonymy", 6. - 7.10.2000
Workshop der geisteswissenschaftlichen SFBs: Methoden-Dialog (German), 6. - 8.12.2000
Workshop on Formal Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (BI-DIALOG 2001) (German), 14. - 16.6.2001
Allgemeiner SFB Workshop, 19. - 20.11.2001
Kolloquium mit dem SFB 378, 22. - 24.04.2002
1. Aussprachetag Human Centered Robotic Systems, 5. - 6.12.2002

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