
Rundbrief 1/2000 der Gesellschaft fuer Kognitionswissenschaft

Sehr geehrtes Mitglied der Gesellschaft fuer Kognitionswissenschaft in diesem Rundbrief 1/2000 (Maerz 2000) finden Sie verschiedene aktuelle Informationen zur Kognitionswissenschaft. Beste Gruesse Klaus Opwis Schriftfuehrer/Kassierer der GK E-mail: klaus.opwis@unibas.ch Post: Gesellschaft fuer Kognitionswissenschaft e.V. Prof. Dr. Klaus Opwis Institut fuer Psychologie Universitaet Basel Bernouillistr. 16 CH-4056 Basel

Cognitive Science Quarterly

Unter der Adresse http://www.iig.uni-freiburg.de/cognition/csq/ finden Sie Informationen zu der neuen kognitionswissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift Cognitive Science Quarteley Sie wird von Herrn Prof. Dr. Gerhard Strube herausgegeben. Das erste Heft ist gerade erschienen.

Homepage der Gesellschaft

die Homepage der Gesellschaft (http://www.gk-ev.de) wird ab sofort in Bielefeld verwaltet. Anfragen/Anregungen bitte an webmaster@gk-ev.de richten.


In der Bielefelder Universitaetsbibliothek sind die KogWis99-Proceedings jetzt elektronisch verfuegbar (pdf): http://archiv.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/vortrag/KogWis99.html Erreichbar ueber: http://archiv.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/vortrag.htm

Third International Conference on Cognitive Modeling

Unter der Adresse http://tcw2.ppsw.rug.nl/iccm/ finden Sie aktuelle Information zur Third International Conference on Cognitive Modeling die vom 23-25 März 2000 in Groningen, Netherlands, stattfindet.

Workshop Dynamische Perzeption

+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ | Workshop Dynamische Perzeption | +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ --- Ankuendigung --- 3. Workshop Dynamische Perzeption 2. / 3. November 2000, Universitaet Ulm Der Workshop Dynamische Perzeption wird nach den erfolgreichen Tagungen 1996 in Hamburg und 1998 in Bielefeld nunmehr zum dritten Mal veranstaltet. Das Thema ist interdisziplinaer ausgerichtet und buendelt dabei wichtige Gebiete des biologischen und maschinellen Sehens. Ziel des zweitaegigen Workshops ist es, aktuelle Arbeiten und Ergebnisse aus diesem Forschungsbereich vorzustellen und zu diskutieren. Dabei soll insbesondere auch der wissenschaftliche Austausch zwischen den Disziplinen der Informatik (Neuroinformatik und Kuenstliche Intelligenz), der Wahrnehmungspsychologie und den Neurowissenschaften gefoerdert werden. Zu den vorgesehenen Themenfeldern gehoeren - Aktives Sehen, Blicksteuerung und Stereopsis - Bildfolgen, optischer Fluss, Bewegungsschaetzung und Bewegungswahrnehmung - visuelles Navigieren, Hindernisvermeidung, Objektverfolgung - Steuerung visueller Aufmerksamkeit - Koordination von Perzeption und Aktion, visuell gefuehrte Robotik - Gruppierung, perzeptuelle Organisation, Flaechen- und Tiefenperzeption - Theoretische Grundlagen, Empirie und Modellbildung - ausgewaehlte Anwendungen Fuer Beitraege zu diesen und inhaltlich verwandten Themen ist die Einsendung einer zweiseitigen Kurzzusammenfassung bis zum 30.3.2000 an die unten angegebene Adresse erwuenscht. Zeitplan: +---------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | Einreichen der zweiseitigen Kurzzusammenfassungen | 30.3.2000 | | Benachrichtigung der Autoren | 30.5.2000 | | Camera-ready Beitraege | 28.7.2000 | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------+ Der Workshop ist eine Veranstaltung der Fachgruppe 1.0.4 Bildverstehen der GI. Programmkomitee: Gregory Baratoff, Univ. Ulm Wolfgang Becker, Univ. Ulm Burkhart Fischer, Univ. Freiburg Markus Lappe, Univ. Bochum Hanspeter Mallot, Univ. Tuebingen Baerbel Mertsching, Univ. Hamburg Heiko Neumann, Univ. Ulm Helge Ritter, Univ. Bielefeld Tagungsleitung: Gregory Baratoff & Heiko Neumann Abt. Neuroinformatik Fakultaet f. Informatik Universitaet Ulm D-89069 Ulm {baratoff | hneumann}@neuro.informatik.uni-ulm.de Tel. (0731) 502-4157 oder -4158 Fax. (0731) 502-4156 Tagungswebseite: http://www.informatik.uni-ulm.de/ni/vision/DynPerz2000/index.html


Announcement: EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF COGNITIVE SYSTEMS 17th ANNUAL WORKSHOP, 26-29 August 2000, Oxford, England The aim of the annual workshops is the multidisciplinary approach of cognition in all its aspects, including modelling, experiments and applied research: - psychology (cognitive, developmental), perception, - artificial intelligence (general aspects), - associative memory and neural networks, neuroscience, - linguistics (also computational), disorders of language, - education and instruction, - cognitive ergonomics, - philosophy, history of concepts. Papers accepted for the workshop may be published in the journal of the ESSCS, 'Cognitive Systems'. Accomodation in single and double rooms is available in Wadham College, right in the centre of the old city. A block booking has been made in the College UNTIL 20 May 2000. It includes breakfasts and two dinners in the evening in the dining hall. Three nights and breakfasts, two dinners, cost 160 pounds sterling. Lunches are available in a nearby pub. Length of abstracts: between 20 and 40 lines (1-2 kByte), to be sent by ordinary mail, and possibly also by E-mail. The fee is 18 Pounds Sterling for members of the ESSCS, 25 for others, for students the fee is 10 Pounds Sterling. Membership is Euro 12 per annum. ESSCS (Dr. G.J. Dalenoort) Dept. of Psychology (E&A), University of Groningen Grote Kruisstraat 2/1, 9712 TS Groningen, The Netherlands) Telephone Netherlands +31-50-3636448 / 3636454 (or 3636472), Fax +31-50-3636304, E-mail For information on the ESSCS, previous workshops, and the Journal: http://www.ppsw.rug.nl/psy/psychol.htm (The webpage is being updated)


ASSOCIATION FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF CONSCIOUSNESS --------------------------------------- 4TH ANNUAL MEETING: 2ND CALL FOR PAPERS --------------------------------------- THE UNITY OF CONSCIOUSNESS: BINDING, INTEGRATION, AND DISSOCIATION Universite Libre de Bruxelles JUNE 29th - JULY 2nd, 2000: BRUSSELS, BELGIUM The fourth meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness will be held from June 29th to July 2nd, 2000, at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Brussels, Belgium) on the theme of "The Unity of Consciousness". Consciousness has many elements, from sensory experiences such as vision, audition, and bodily sensation, to nonsensory aspects such as volition, emotion, memory, and thought. The apparent unity of these elements is striking: all are presented to us as experiences of a single subject, and all seem to be contained within a unified field of experience, but this apparent unity raises many questions. How do diverse systems in the brain co-operate to produce a unified experience? Are there conditions under which this unity breaks down? And is conscious experience really unified at all? In recent years, these questions have been addressed by researchers in many fields. Neurophysiologists and computational modelers have investigated the mechanisms by which binding and integration of disparate information may take place in the brain, producing a unified experience. Neuropsychological research has documented a large variety of dissociation disorders in which damage to specific brain regions leads to dissociated experiences, suggesting the apparent disintegration of a unified subject. Cognitive psychologists have investigated the role of attention and learning in the integration of information, and have examined conditions under which perception and action, or subjective experience and behavior, can become dissociated. Some cognitive modelers have suggested that unity is a mere illusion, while others have emphasized the role of a central unifying system in integrating sensory and motor experience. Meanwhile philosophers have analyzed just what the unity of consciousness comes to, and whether we have reason to believe that it exists. The fourth ASSC conference will bring together researchers from numerous disciplines to discuss these issues. Topics that will be addressed include: - the role of synchronous oscillations in binding and integration - other neurophysiological mechanisms for integration of information - computational models of binding, integration, and unity - neuropsychological disorders with dissociation of experience - the role of attention and learning in unification of experience - dissociations between perceptual systems - implicit vs. explicit aspects of knowledge and learning - dissociations between perception, thought, and action - the relationship between information integration and unified experience - analysis of the concept of unity - unification of consciousness and self across time - the existence or nonexistence of unified consciousness Confirmed plenary speakers include: Rodney Cotterill, Zoltan Dienes, Andreas Engel, Glyn Humphreys, Susan Hurley, Pierre Perruchet, Randy O'Reilly, Sydney Shoemaker, Catherine Tallon-Baudry, Giulio Tononi, Anne Treisman, Francisco Varela, Andrew Young, and Semir Zeki. --------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS & POSTERS --------------------------- While the central theme of ASSC4 is "The unity of consciousness", and plenary sessions will deal largely with this theme, speakers in concurrent sessions are invited to talk on any topic relevant to the scientific study of consciousness. Submissions that include physiological, psychological, philosophical, and computational perspectives are all welcome. Submissions for both posters and talks will be accepted. Any person may present only one submission, but may be co-author on several. Oral presentations will be limited to 20 minutes, to be followed by a 10-minute discussion period. Plenary lectures, symposia, concurrent sessions, and poster sessions will all be held on the Solbosch campus of the Universite Libre de Bruxelles. ----------------------------- CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS ----------------------------- This notice is also intended as a call for workshop presenters. One of the aims of this meeting is to allow researchers to gain a background in areas that they may know little about. Towards that end a number of workshops are planned. Is there a topic you or perhaps someone in your laboratory might want to present? Some participants in the conference would be very interested in learning about technical matters such as fMRI or other important brain imaging techniques. Others might enjoy a seminar on a philosophical topic. If you have recently published a book or major article on some topic you might want to lead a discussion on it. As with papers the focus of all workshops should naturally fit within the overall theme of the conference. A non-exclusive list of possible topics might include: -- The latest methods and implications of various brain scanning techniques (e.g. fMRI, EEG, SQUID, ERP) -- Blindsight, neglect, or other neuropsychological syndromes -- Neural network or other theoretical models of processing in areas related to conscious activity -- Differences and similarities between conscious and unconscious processing -- Current models of the visual system -- Consciousness and metacognition -- Criteria for the ascription of consciousness -- Philosophical issues concerning unity -- Phenomenological methods for investigating consciousness -- Please suggest other sample topics, or modify the above!! Workshops will be held in parallel sessions on the morning and afternoon of June 29th. Each workshop is intended to last approximately three hours. The sizes of workshops will vary between a minimum of 10 to a maximum of around 25 people. Workshops that do not achieve the minimum enrollment of 10 people will not be offered. Workshop presenters will receive a minimum honorarium of 20000 BEF. Worskhop registration fee will be 2000 BEF. To submit workshop proposals, or to suggest further topics, please write to Patrick Wilken at . ----------------------------------------------------- SUBMISSION OF PAPERS, POSTERS & WORKSHOP PROPOSALS ----------------------------------------------------- WORKSHOP PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED BY JANUARY 17th, 2000. PAPER AND POSTER SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FEBRUARY 15th, 2000 All submissions must include the following information in the order listed below: 1. Title. 2. Name, affiliation, and ASSC membership status of each co-author. 3. An abstract of up to 200 words for paper and poster submissions and of up to 500 words for workshop proposals. 4. Complete contact information for the author with whom the scientific programme committee will interact with about the submission: - Name - Institutional affiliation - Postal address - Email address - Telephone and fax numbers In addition paper and poster proposals should include the following information: 5. One or two keywords describing the domain of your contribution 6. An indication of which co-author will present the paper/poster/workshop at the meeting. 7. An indication of whether the proposal is submitted as a: a. Spoken presentation b. Poster presentation 8. An indication of your willingness to switch presentation format if your proposal cannot be included in the programme as per your stated preference. WORKSHOP PROPOSALS: 1. Please send your proposal to Patrick Wilken . PAPER & POSTER PROPOSALS: To submit your proposal(s) for inclusion in the programme, please do one of the following (listed in order of preference): 1. Send electronic mail to , with the words "ASSC4 ABSTRACT SUBMISSION" followed by the last name of the presenting co-author in the Subject: field of your message 2. Fill out the electronic submission form available on this page: http://www.ulb.ac.be/event/ASSC4/sub/onlinesub.html 3. Fax your proposal to this number: +322 650 33 39. Make sure the cover page includes the address indicated below. 4. Send a hardcopy of your proposal to: ASSC4 c/o Axel Cleeremans Cognitive Science Research Unit Universite Libre de Bruxelles 50 ave. F.-D. Roosevelt CP 122 B-1050 Brussels BELGIUM -------------- REGISTRATION -------------- Deadline for early registration: April 30th, 2000. Registration fees: Early Late Non-members 6000 BEF 8000 BEF ASSC members 5000 BEF 7000 BEF Students 2500 BEF 3000 BEF Student ASSC members 2000 BEF 2500 BEF Note: All fees should be paid in Belgian Francs. Membership registration must be received by May 15th, 2000 to ensure discount. Separate registration is required for workshops. To register, please follow the instructions available from the conference website: http://www.ulb.ac.be/event/ASSC4/reg/index.html Address all enquiries about registration to --------------------- FURTHER INFORMATION --------------------- Please check the conference website for further information about the meeting, including information about paper and poster submissions; registration and submission forms; information about travel to Brussels and accomodations; and information about the scientific programme of the meeting: http://www.ulb.ac.be/event/ASSC4/ Tune in frequently -- the site will be constantly updated to reflect the latest information. To enquire about any aspect of the conference, please write to the local organizer at . To find out more about the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, and to apply for membership, please consult: http://assc.caltech.edu The ASSC publishes two scientific journals about which further information is available from the following websites: PSYCHE: http://psyche.cs.monash.edu.au/ Consciousness & Cognition: http://www.apnet.com/www/journal/cc.htm ------------------------------------------ Axel Cleeremans on behalf of the Scientific Programme Committee: David Chalmers Axel Cleeremans Christof Koch Philip Merikle Antti Revonsuo Patrick Wilken


The post below might be of interest to people in the cognitive science community. A "Reader" is one level below a full Professor (i.e. with a Chair). In salary level it's equivalent to a Principal Lecturer, but with more of an explicit emphasis on research. READERSHIP IN PSYCHOLOGY Department of Psychology, University of Hertfordshire Salary 28,978 - 36,436 GB pounds. Applications are invited to join this large and thriving Department which has a strong research base, extensive international links, highly rated teaching, and successful post-graduate degrees. Applicants should have an excellent publication record and a motivation to further develop their area of research expertise. The Readership is not tied to any one area of Psychology. There is considerable support for research, possibilities for collaborative work and excellent opportunities for post-graduate supervision. The Psychology Department is on the Hatfield Campus which is easily accessible from London, A1 and the M25. Informal enquiries to: Professor David Messer, Department of Psychology, Telephone +44-(0)1707 284622. E-mail: D.J.Messer@herts.ac.uk. Web page at www.psy.herts.ac.uk For further details and application forms please contact the Personnel Department, University of Hertfordshire Hatfield AL10 9AB. Tel: 01707 284802 (24 hour Voicemail), quoting Reference P1309 Closing date 7 April.

Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing

_________________________________________________________________ AMLAP-2000 C A L L F O R P A P E R S AMLaP-2000 Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing LEIDEN, The Netherlands, 21 - 23 September _________________________________________________________________ * * * FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS * * * [Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message.] This is the first announcement and call for submissions to the 6th annual conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP-2000), to be held in Leiden from September 21-23. The aim of the conference is to bring together psychological, computational, and theoretical perspectives on the cognitive mechanisms which underlie any aspect of human language processing. Submissions which integrate experimental evidence with formal or computational models of psychological processes are especially encouraged. - SUBMISSION: The deadline for the submission of abstracts of both spoken and poster presentations is June 4th 2000. Abstracts should be no longer than 400 words (excluding references), and should be in plain ASCII text. * At the top of the abstract, please include authors' names, affiliations, and email addresses * please leave several blank lines before indicating whether the abstract is for consideration as a PAPER or as a POSTER, and giving the title. Abstracts rejected as papers will automatically be considered as posters unless explicit instructions to the contrary are given. Abstracts should be submitted by email to: amlap@fsw.leidenuniv.nl The subject of the message should be: "abstract submission". Notifications of acceptance will be sent before July 15th. - REGISTRATION: Registration and accommodation details will soon appear on the AMLaP-2000 website, which can be found via the link on the AMLaP home page: http://www.amlap.org There will be a discount for early registration, for which the deadline is 15 August 2000. _____________________________________________________ AMLaP-2000 Committee: Gerard Kempen, Nomi Olsthoorn AMLaP@fsw.leidenuniv.nl http://www.amlap.org _____________________________________________________ AMLaP Board: - Executive: Matthew W. Crocker, Saarland University Martin Pickering, University ofEdinburgh - Advisory Board: Kathryn Bock, University of Illinois Holly Branigan, University of Glasgow Charles Clifton, University of Massachussetts, Amherst Martin Corley, University of Edinburgh Ted Gibson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Barbara Hemforth, Freiburg University Gerard Kempen, Leiden University Lars Konieczny, Saarland University Vincenzo Lombardo, Universita del Piemonte Orientale Don Mitchell, University of Exeter Michael K. Tanenhaus, University of Rochester ______________________________________________________