NC² New Challenges in Neural Computation (NC2)
Workshop of the GI-Fachgruppe Neuronale Netze and the German Neural Networks Society in connection to GCPR 2014, Münster

Location and Venue: Tuesday, 2.9.2013, 11.30-12.30 in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department of University of Münster.

Learning in the Model Space for Temporal Data

Prof. Dr. Peter Tino

(University of Birmingham, UK)

I will first introduce the concept of learning in the model space. This talk will focus on time series data. After reviewing recent developments in model based time series kernels, I will introduce a framework for building new kernels based on temporal filters inspired by a class of "reservoir" models known as Echo State Networks. I will briefly outline the key theoretical concepts of their analysis and design. The methodology will be demonstrated in a series of sequence classification tasks and in an incremental fault detection setting.

ENNS The workshop is sponsored by the European Neural Networks Society and by the CITEC centre of excellence CITEC: Cognitive Interaction Technology - Center of Excellence

Barbara Hammer