YAFIYGI /yaf'ee-y*-gee/ adj.  [coined in response to
   WYSIWYG] Describes the command-oriented ed/vi/nroff/TeX style of
   word processing or other user interface, the opposite of
   {WYSIWYG}.  Stands for "You asked for it, you got it", because
   what you actually asked for is often not apparent until long after
   it is too late to do anything about it.  Used to denote perversity
   ("Real Programmers use YAFIYGI tools...and *like* it!")
   or, less often, a necessary tradeoff ("Only a YAFIYGI tool can
   have full programmable flexibility in its interface.").

   This precise sense of "You asked for it, you got it" seems to
   have first appeared in Ed Post's classic parody "Real
   Programmers don't use Pascal"; the acronym is a more recent (as of
   1993) invention.

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