Victoria Buchholz, M.Sc.


Universität Bielefeld
Research Group 'Social Cognitive Systems'
CITEC - Cognitive Interaction Technology
Inspiration 1
33619 Bielefeld
+49 521 106-12218


I am a research assistant in the Social Cognitive Systems Group at CITEC, Faculty of Technology at Bielefeld University.

I am interested in different aspects of human-machine interaction as an interdisciplinary research field. My focus lies on the devolopment of human-centered assistance systems that enable learning-based adaptation of assistance to different users. The adaptation will be based on the level of mental workload of the user assessed with eye-tracking and performance measures. Moreover, I am investigating the effects of adaptive assistance systems on the user.

Because of the current situation (COVID-19) we had to switch form conducting laboratory studies in the university to online studies. Thus, using the eye-tracker was no longer possible unfortunately. Mouse event data, however, look just as promising as the oculomotor event data.

In the context of the NRW Forschungskolleg, I am investigating fairness in human-machine interaction in an interdisciplinary cooperation with Paul Hellwig (PhD student in the research group Work and Organisational Psychology).

During my Bachelor's degree studies in Cogntive Informatics and my Master's degree studies in Intelligent Systems at Bielefeld University, I already focused on human-machine interaction, including interaction with social virtual agents and robots.


NRW Forschungskolleg: Design of flexible working environments - human-centered use of Cyber-Physical Systems in industry 4.0
supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia, 2019-2021


Towards Adaptive Worker Assistance in Monitoring Tasks
Buchholz, V., & Kopp, S. (2021)
In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS).

Towards an Adaptive Assistance System for Monitoring Tasks: Assessing Mental Workload using Eye Tracking and Performance Measures
Buchholz, V., & Kopp, S. (2020)
In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS).

A Multimodal Interactive Storytelling Agent Using the Anthropomorphic Robot Head Flobi
Schröder, L., Buchholz, V., Helmich, V., Hindemith, L., Wrede, B. & Schillingmann, L. (2017)
In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Human Agent Interaction.

It’s (Not) Your Fault! Blame and Trust Repair in Human-Agent Cooperation
Buchholz, V., Kulms, P., & Kopp, S. (2017)
In: Contributions to the 6th interdisciplinary workshop Kognitive Systeme.