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Intelligent Systems Lab Project: The Multilingual CITEC-Receptionist




Navigation in an unfamiliar environment is a common problem in many scenarios of everyday life. Searching for a room in a new building, one can ask someone for help, who is familiar with the building. However, when there's no one around to help (one can also imagine the situation in a hardware store), an embodied conversational agent may help out. The current work presents a multilingual receptionist — MULIREC — with the task to help visitors of the Interactive Intelligent Systems research building to find their destination.

Application Scenario

The user enters an unfamiliar environment and searches for a person or a room. To get help the user asks the multilingual receptionist for directions.
For example he needs to go to the support but does not know how to get there, so he asks the MULIREC: "Wo ist das Büro des Supports?" (Where is the support office?)
One possible answer could be: "Das Büro des Supports ist in M3-100." (The support office is in M3-100.)

The user is somehow distracted by his english speaking friend and thus prompts the agent in english to repeat the answer: "Could you please repeat that?"
Whereupon the agent says: "I said the support office is in M3-100."


The project goals are


The multilingual receptionist:


System architecture

The video shows a typical conversation with the virtual agent, demonstrating a variety of user requests and the agent's reaction.

Discussion and Conclusion


The current system could be further improved as follows:
