8.3. Console Howtos

Small and handy console commands for daily use.

8.3.1. Send an item via tools send or call

As an example, the following code block can be used to trigger a scenario listing in the scenario_coordination by sending an initated TaskState to the scope /citec/csra/home/hallway/entrance/state/request/list

export SCOPE=/citec/csra/home/hallway/entrance/state/request/list
$prefix/bin/tools0.12 send \
    -I$prefix/share/rst0.12/proto/stable/ \
    -l$prefix/share/rst0.12/proto/stable/rst/communicationpatterns/TaskState.proto \
    'pb:.rst.communicationpatterns.TaskState:{origin: "SUBMITTER" '\
    'state: "INITIATED" serial: 0 wire_schema: "utf-8-string" payload: "list"}' $SCOPE

The following snippet can be used to alter the Moving Head position with azimuth a and elevation e.

export a=10
export e=0
export METHOD=/home/living/movinghead/setPanTilt
tools0.12 call \
    -I$prefix/share/rst0.12/proto/sandbox/ \
    -l$prefix/share/rst0.12/proto/sandbox/rst/geometry/SphericalDirectionFloat.proto \
    "$METHOD('pb:.rst.geometry.SphericalDirectionFloat:{ azimuth: '$a' elevation: '$e' }')"

8.3.2. Parallel machine access

Use cssh (cluster ssh) to connect to all the desired hosts and call the command there.

cssh adl apw atl bcn bfe bkk bos bvb dme dsc dxb gig hls hsl iom lol lxr mia mpc ssh
[in the cssh box] YOUR_COMMAND