1.3. Calendar

The calendar can provide information about events from Calendars in iCalendar format.

1.3.2. Calendars

Currently the following calendars can be accessed in the csra.

calendar_name Description
LSP_CSRA_Raumblockung Reservations of and events in the csra apartments.
LSP_CSRA_Termine Events around the csra project.
Personal_Calendar The personal calendar of the csra user. [1]
CITEC_1_112 The official reservations calendar of the csra. [1]

1.3.3. Interfaces

The set of available calendars is published at startup and can be requested at runtime.

Scope (+ Method) Type
/apartment/calendar/ CalendarList
/apartment/calendar/calendarList() CalendarList

For every calendar a set of services is provided. The <calendar_name> in scopes must be replaced by a namei from the Calendars section for the specific calendar. Calendar content

The complete calendar content is published at startup and can be requested at runtime.

Scope (+ Method) Type
/apartment/calendar/<calendar_name>/content/ CalendarComponents
/apartment/calendar/<calendar_name>/completeContent() CalendarComponents Event start/end notification

All calendars inform about events at different time points relative to their start and end time.

Scope (Informer) Type
/apartment/calendar/<calendar_name>/starts/<time_subscope> CalendarComponents
/apartment/calendar/<calendar_name>/ends/<time_subscope> CalendarComponents

The following times are notified.

Time until start/end time_subscope
60 Minutes inonehour
30 Minutes inhalfanhour
15 Minutes infifteenminutes
10 Minutes intenminutes
5 Minutes infiveminutes
1 Minutes inoneminute
0 Minutes now Event alarm notification

Because every calendar event can be combined with an alarm (see RFC2445) the corresponding events are published at the alarm time.

Scope (Informer) Type
/apartment/calendar/<calendar_name>/alarm CalendarComponents Event service

It is possible to request all events of a specific time period in a calendar.

Scope (Local Server) + Method Parameter Type Return Type
/apartment/calendar/<calendar_name>/alarm CalendarQuery CalendarQueryResult

1.3.4. Examples

Find out which calendars are currently accessable:

 > $prefix/bin/rsb-toolscl call \
       -I $prefix/share/rst0.17/proto/sandbox \
       -l $prefix/share/rst0.17/proto/'**'/CalendarList.proto \

     #<CALENDAR-LIST {100B4AF823}>

Get all apartment blocking events between now and in one hour using java:

     RemoteServer server = Factory

     CalendarQuery request = CalendarQuery.newBuilder()
                         .setMillisecondsSinceEpoch(System.currentTimeMillis() + ONE_HOUR_MILLIS)

     CalendarQueryResult result = server.call("calendarEvents", request);

Get all apartment blocking events between tomorrow 8 o’clock and tomorrow 16 o’clock using rsb-tools:

$prefix/bin/rsb-toolscl call \
    -I $prefix/share/rst0.17/proto/sandbox \
    -I $prefix/share/rst0.17/proto/stable \
    -l $prefix/share/rst0.17/proto/'**/CalendarQuery.proto' \
    -l $prefix/share/rst0.17/proto/'**/CalendarQueryResult.proto'  \
'start_time: {'\
'    timezone_id: "UTC" '\
'    milliseconds_since_epoch: '$(date -u -d "tomorrow 8:00" +%s%N | cut -b1-13)' }'\
'end_time: { '\
'    timezone_id: "UTC"  '\
'    milliseconds_since_epoch: '$(date -u -d "tomorrow 16:00" +%s%N | cut -b1-13)' }'\
'search_events: true '\
'search_todos: false }'\
[1](1, 2) To get access to the sogo calendars of the csra user one needs to enter the users password when the calendar application starts.