The One Where Joey Speaks French

Season 10 - Episode 13

Anna FarisErica
Ron LeibmanDr. Leonard Green
Hira Ambrosinothe Nurse
Alex Craig Mannthe Casting Assistant
Tim Edward Rhozethe Director

Monica and Chandler show Erica (recurring guest star ANNA FARIS - "Scary Movie 3"), who is the mother of the unborn baby they want to adopt, the sights of New York, and they also learn more facts about her--such as the baby's biological father might be a convict who killed his father with a shovel. Meanwhile, Ross and Rachel grow closer after her sarcastic father, Dr. Green (recurring guest star RON LEIBMAN - "Norma Rae"), suffers a heart attack. And Joey implores Francophile Phoebe to teach him French before an important audition, but she quickly becomes exasperated with the gibberish coming out of Joey's mouth.